2012 in Picture

By VickyLumb84

Country walk with Papa Joe

This is my dad - Papa Joe (looking like a farmer in this pic!)

I had an absolutely brilliant day today as we both took Archie for a walk in Judy Woods, which my dad tells me is so old it's featured in the Doomsday Book.

I took lots of pictures of a much better quality than this, but this has to be my favourite of the day...

The walk took an interesting turn as we ventured downhill to find a stream so Archie could clean himself after rolling around in yet another sludge puddle! The only problem was getting back up the hill. Both me and my dad ended up on our backsides and covered in mud as we couldn't find any grip. We found some exposed tree roots and my dad, with his massive hands, scooped me up as if I were a little girl again and pushed me uphill to safety.

As we made our way back home we talked about my childhood and reminisced about my mother, who is no longer with us.

This blip is a tribute to my wonderful Dad who has always looked after me and my sister, and a lovely day I won't forget.

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