Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

On the Beach at Ardgour

Woke up this morning to blue skys and blizzards so we shelved our plans to walk a bit of the West Highland Way and set off in the car instead.

First stop was the Corran ferry which connects Corran to Ardgour (crossing Loch Linnhe) ... this fab little car ferry is free for foot passengers so we went over to take some mountain/loch photos in the sunshine turned into sleet/snow/fog and have lunch at the pub. The pub didn't serve lunches so we came back across and headed to Fort William.

Through Glencoe in the snow and wind. That was interesting.

Lunch in Fort William and a trail through the many, many outdoor equiment shops then back in the car to head back to Crianlarich. A short 7 miles!!! detour along the banks of Loch Leven in snowy conditions added to the afternoon's entertainment.

Got back safely to the hotel and decided we'd just have dinner there again to save having to venture out into the wintery weather.

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