A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

We want a shrubbery

This Coal Tit looks very confused at the pruning that has been going on in the garden today. It has suddenly found itself in a place which should be familiar but isn't.

There is a name for this, it is called jamais vu and can be considered to be the opposite of the more familiar deja vu where people feel that they have been in a place or situation before.

The most common form of jamais vu is where you see a word repeated over and over to the point where it suddenly starts looking strange and unfamiliar. I think this can happen to most people but a other unfamiliarities can occur in someone who is very stressed.

Once while stressed and sleep deprived over my university finals I experienced jamais vu over some children in the street. I just couldn't work out how such tiny people could exist and thought they must be gnomes or something! It lasted quite a few seconds until I got closer and could see they were children.

300mm f5.6

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