The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Central Park Adventure

Today was my last full day in NY so I set off at a pace after skyping you ;0) and enjoying a yummy omlette breakfast. I headed north and walked to:

Grand Central Station
Chrysler Building
UN Building
Little Korea
Central Park - Strawberry Fields and the Zoo!

and on my way to the Metropolitan Museum of Art I stumbled across this crime scene! Cool huh! Well, actually just a car that had randomly lost control and steered into the wall of Central Park!

Anyway, I pottered in the Met museum and took loads of pictures of statues. When I left (about 1pm) it was peeing it down so I headed to FAO Shwartz to look at the toys and play on the piano from the Tom Hanks film, Big. Very cool! Then strolled down Fifth Avenue, through the Rockerfeller Centre (stopping off for Starbucks!) and then muched salad in Pax. Walked to Madison Square Gardens which were packed with excited Knicks fans celebrating a recent win and then found a very cool camera shop! Bought a book!!

I was determined to get to Chelsea and the Aperture Photography gallery - it was well worth the walk. Wonderful art houses, Bex would love it here! Then I walked under the High Line to Union Square, bought some dinner to take back to the hotel in WholeFood Store and bought us a mug from Max Brenner. Back to the hotel for my meal and a quick rest, then headed to Empire State. Visibility ewas down to zero so couldn't go up - bugger! So I walked Time Square, NY Public Library and Bryany Park and took lots of atmospheric shots. Eventually back at the hotel by 10.30pm - pooped! Just too many shots to pick from today - will have to email them to you!

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