Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Lazy Sunday

I'm having a lazy day so set up the camera with a radio remote release and put it in the tree that the garden birds feed in. This way I can do photography while sitting in the conservatory relaxing rather than standing in the cold outside.

The birds were very obliging and I got quite nice shots of this Great tit, a really cute Blue tit and the local Buzzard. Link to Cute Blue tit.

(p.s. Both pics are better large as there is a lot of detail in the feathers.)

I could do this all day but I have to learn a song by 7pm and about 50 pages of script for Titanic the Musical in a week so I am publishing my blip earlier than normal so I don't get distracted. I'm sure it wont work as I'm very easily distracted but its worth a go :-)

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