
Best viewed Cosmic large

Or *go large*

Oh weather, for flipping sake! Blip was canceled as far as I was concerned earlier. It wasn't forecast, this deluge of howling wind, driving rain... even with the water proof cover on the camera, I just didn't want to take the risk, esp with the macro lens, you kidding? But then the sun came out & oh wow, what a light! And what a moment to practice something I've grown to love over the last year - the world of bokeh - so creative, so abstract, so many shapes & colours & patterns. I took so many photos today - 316 in one afternoon!!! :)

And Little Larry? Well.... lovely lad!

Ready to go

Thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my blip yesterday - Feather on the roof - I wondered about it, wondered some more, but it was all I had yesterday... so I'm so thrilled you all loved it so! xxx

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