
By katgirl

Worried Look

We have all had that look today. Bob woke up around 3 am wailing and complaining of pain that seemed to come in waves very 20-30 minutes. He didn't calm down until he had some Tylenol, but he still wouldn't sleep. The crying returned as soon as the Tylenol wore off. We brought him to the doctor on call today, since his beloved Dr was not there. We were unimpressed by her, mainly because she didn't listen to us. She declared Bob fine and sent us home, where he promptly started to cry again.

Fortunately he had a good nap this afternoon and seemed his cheery self for about 20 minutes when he woke up. I brought him outside to see our prolific garden. The garden is going crazy and the watermelon is growing up the fence, complete with 2 fruit. He would usually be so happy, but this is as close as I could get to a happy face. Then we could see him getting chills, the crankiness ensued, and more meds followed. Poor guy.

Please let him sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow. The dark circles under his eyes are so sad.

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