Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Thinking about Fern

I was taking a picture of a rose, but in this photo it is the fern, not the rose, that caught my attention. The individual fingers on the fern leaf caused me to think of "lists" -- all things lists . . . lists of songs, lists of books, my grocery list, my "to do" list, list poetry, and so on.

I found myself looking at the fingers on the fern thinking I needed to make a list. How stupid is that? Don't answer that. I just know that when I write a list, a "to do" list, I tend to get more accomplished. It used to be that when I realized at the end of the day I had forgotten to write a list , well I'd write the list at the day's conclusion of all I had done. Thankfully I've outgrown that ridiculous habit.

I like the feeling of accomplishment. Does that mean I am task oriented? Probably. I just know that I like getting things done. Mr. Fun thinks I'm crazy. He could careless about checking off a list, but it does bug him when we arrive at the grocery store and realize that he has left the list of what we need at home.

When we get to the grocery store, even if I have my list, I like to walk every aisle just in case I forgot to put something on the list. Mr. Fun hates to walk every aisle.

After four days sick in bed, Mr. Fun is feeling better today, so he went to the store with me, mostly because we were going to the Jamba Juice store to get another dose of wheatgrass. The grocery store is next door; we needed a few groceries items, so we headed to the grocery store . . . without a list; no list bothered him. He didn't want to walk every aisle; that bothered me. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much fun do you think we had at the grocery store? Really, it wasn't that bad, but we sure are opposites.

My main goal today was to create an email list for each of the classes I am teaching this semester. No wonder that fern leaf reminded me of lists. And the email list, well I'm still working on it. I better get back at it so I can check it off my list!

The 17th is always a very good day!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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