Boys together

After a busy afternoon mooching around Greenwich, buying things from the market that we didnt need but that are, even now, entertaining Corin (2 Spirograph sets and something called a harmonograph which, when he has fixed it, will be even better than a spirograph apparently!), we came home and crashed for a bit.

Faye had a really long journey home from work so we ordered chinese around 7pm. It arrived at 9pm!!! They managed to get some of the order wrong and to miss out James' egg fried rice, and had, more importantly to James, delayed our departure to visit Wayne and Kelly who are just a few miles from my brother's place.

We got there eventually, and James slipped straight back into his usual banter with Wayne almost immediately. Kelly and I discussed our current medical situations and she has done much to persuade me that I shouldn't take this lying down anymore. So next monday, the shouting starts.

It was lovely to see them - normally a treat that is reserved for our summer holiday. Hopefully, we will see them again before our jaunt. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they will make it this year. Hope so.

Am currently trying not to watch a vampire movie thats on the telly but keep getting drawn to it - pretty gross (30 days of night). - but I want to find out how it ends now. Not normally my cup of tea. Probably going to have nightmares. To late now.

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