Jack James

By JackJames

Pizza a la Poppea

Great night last night - after being in bed until 2pm and lectures at 4, I went round to Meg's house to see everyone before they went out to No Globe. I was meant to be taking more photos - but my head was telling me otherwise, which was pretty annoying as I'd been looking forward to seeing the band and taking some shots again. Settled with the less bassy alternative, watching my friends get steadily more drunk while playing ridiculous drinking games. Also, learnt I had no idea who Kiley Minogue was... oh dear.

Thanks to a charger malfunction, my phone's been unable to charge for a day and so is dead - resulting in a late night brainstorm to see how I could wake up at 8 for my 9am lectures. Resulted in a series of notes around the house and bathroom, which ended up in my getting up better than the drilling beep-beep-beep of the phone.

Handed in an essay worth 30%, 2 lectures, back to central to give the correct covers sheet in (pretty annoying), then a 3 hour lab in KB drawing various fossils and making up results where necessary.

Nice things planned for the coming week off uni - getting the bus* up to Inverness to visit friends from tomorrow until Tuesday, then back home from Wednesday until Monday morning. All of the things that I'd wanted to go to in the week of uni have been cancelled.... Nice one.

*Duped! Poppy booked the journey, neglecting to tell me it was the 4.5 hour megabus... I had assumed a nice scenic train. I don't doubt the scenery, but do doubt my stomach. I've had bad experiences on buses around Cornish lanes.

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