The journey continues...

By Lbell

Cristo Redentor aka Big Jesus

We had a lie in today/missed our wonderful breakfast after having a crappy night sleep. 15 people in a room all coming home at different times is not a good combination.

We got up and ready, had a hamburger brunch and made our way to Christ the Redemptor . We went by train up to the top. The first sighting of Christ was pretty incredible after only having seen the statue from a distance, making it look rather small in comparison to the large city of Rio.
The day had begun pretty overcast and cloudy but as soon as we reached the top the sun came out giving the figure an even more impressive presence. We spent a good hour walking around, taking in the views and taking lots of pictures.

After grabbing a bite to eat and overlooking the wonderful views of RIO we headed back to the bottom and split up; Andrew and April went to Santa Teresa and I fancied a little chill-out time by the beach. On the way back I got to see a mini parade taking place for Carnaval with lots of fancy costumes and dancing. This made me really regret not staying in Brazil for the whole of the celebrations! I arrived back at the hostel just in time to miss the storm and we later headed out for another pizza rodizio and some caipirinhas on the beach before making the journey back to BA at 2am.

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