The Orient Express

By koko

Loving the Stance

Got to go on a deer walk today, and its been one of those days when i've been spoilt for choice. Saw rows of snowdrops, friendly robins and a pretty house. Plus these beautiful deer, can't imagine what it must be like carrying these around all day, still he must be used to it by now.
Before i disappear to enjoy my vegetable lasagne and salad i must just tell you what happened to me this morning while i was having a wash. I felt a little tickle around my neck, thinking it was a loose hair, i brushed it away, well the tickle came again. By this time panic is setting in as i see myself in the mirror plus a spider on my neck. I have never whipped my clothes off so fast, all the time looking for the spider.
What was the fate of the spider!! after i had calmed down, i found him in the bathroom sink where i later transferred him outside, i do normally like spiders but not crawling on me !!

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