Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


Rita went in to hospital yesterday to have her gall bladder removed. She was moved to a recovery ward afterwards and then to a normal ward (when Blanchardstown hospital finally found a bed to put her in).

I phoned this morning to see how she was. She was sore, had had a bad night, and definitely wasn't going home today, so I told her I'd be over for a visit in the afternoon. I got there at 2:45 and stayed for two hours or so. She was in better form than when I'd spoken to her earlier, and we had an enjoyable chat and took a trip down to the coffee shop. Later on, her son David arrived with his daughter Lily, so down we went again to meet them in the coffee shop.

What a little bundle of fun and good nature Lily is! This iPhone shot doesn't do her justice, but it was the best I could do with the Lumix down in the car. Lily has begun to walk, and gave us a little demo in the hospital's reception area (where, understandably enough, she attracted lots of oohs and aahs).

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