Evening all.

Here I am peering pensively into the camera at an odd angle. there's a tiny bit of treatment in here as well. Do y'all like my Tin Tin style quiff? I don't. Only now I've posted this picture do I realise not wearing gel on my hair this morning may have made me look a bit like a tool. Oh well at least it isn't ginger.... doh!

So right now I'm at home when I should be arriving imminently at my other halves house. Tomorrow morning when I should be waking up late to a few cuddles and a brew I'll be grafting hard at Jewson. The agenda is for me to juggle our cluttered tea room area around. I've decided to try and improve conditions for the lads. At present a room that could comfortably seat seven can barely accomodate three. I want it to be somewhere that the yard lads and office lads can sit together, try and build relations.

I'm also going to put the final touches to a quote worth £10,000 if we get it. The job of Assistant Branch Manager is a busy and varied one (as I often say to JC 'its all the other stuff I have to do')

In other news I see that Rupert Murdoch is releasing a Sunday version of the Sun to fill the 'void' left by News of the World. I wonder what it'll be called. News of the World 2 maybe? News of the World 6 months on?

I'd called it The Shit on Sunday. I bet they'll use a pun like 'Its Sun Day on Sunday now. Wankers.

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