Blurry tulip
The only photo I managed today. The above zero temperatures continue, though I think the chap I saw out this morning in surf shorts and a t-shirt must have been on something: 5.5 C is not warm enough for that.
It was, however, warm enough for Mr B to tinker about with the broken lights on the Jeep, and work out that he could not fix them. The usual fun visit to the nice garageman who, Mr B was delighted to note, went through all the steps that Mr B had gone through to eliminate faults. But then went one stage further in ferreting out some fuses under the steering wheel that we didn't know about. With one of those replaced, and some more fiddling about with casings, bulbs and glass, and we have a nearly working set of lights. And, as if often the case, he refused to accept money - but did agree to accept some cakes as payment (so I'd best get baking).
The less pleasant news on our car is that - even though we had already agreed the new insurance premium for this year (which started a couple of days after the crash), the company has added another £380. Nice. This despite the fact that we're not claiming against the policy for any damage and it was the other car's fault so their insurer is closing the case. Grumpy about that.
Still, with the nighttime frosts forecast to finish next week, it's time to get on with the garden. So I bought some gladioli bulbs to celebrate (at least, I think that's what they are).
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