
By Snaptilyoupop

Toft Terrace

Ok. Part of me finds this blip a bit sensible and therefore dull and wonders whether I'd be happier uploading something weird or something that makes me laugh but another part of me likes the light and the way in which the boat is framed by the iron gate.

The view is down Toft Terrace in Cellardyke: a collection of terraced houses and outbuildings and a lovely place to catch the sun. I love the mix between old and new and enjoy walking through it in the summer (not a massive fan of the terrace in the winter when it becomes a bit slippy...)

My few days living like a bachelor has ended as the Boss, the Baby-boss and the Two-hairy-dog-bosses come back later on today.

It's been a pleasant few nights. I ate steak twice, watched three football matches, drank beer, consumed a big bar of chocolate and had good sleep. Hey-ho it was a good run while it lasted

I wish my sore foot would get better :/

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