
By Bombchelle

Oops! I did it again!

I missed another blip...let's play catch-up...

Valentine's Day began like most days do, with breakfast in bed from my wonderful Husband. This time it was more of a cooked breakfast. Yum! Then presents. I got him a Star Wars T shirt with C3PO and R2D2 playing musical instruments. Perfect! Although he complained that it 'hung wrong' after wearing it for an hour... He got me Lindt chocolates, a Rubik's Cube (I've always wanted one and, despite being a child of the 80's, have never owned one! I'm never going to twist it, ever!) and he made me some CDs.

I took us to see Star Wars Phantom Menace at the cinema in 3D (Husband thought we were going to see The Vow, so it was a nice surprise for him.)

After that, since the weather was the best it's been for a long time, we took the bikes out to Newcastle. Husband ordered a new screen for his Ducati and I got some cleaner for my helmet. Oh how I'm spoiled! Haha! It was a great ride out and I showed him how to filter through traffic on the way home. The learner becomes the master ;-)

Dinner was cooked by Chef Peter and consisted of grilled lobster (one each!) sirloin steak, rosemary cubed potatoes and asparagus wrapped in bacon with a red wine sauce. Delicious doesn't do it justice. Accompanied with champagne then G&T, it was perfect.

We ended the night by watching One Day. I'd been disappointed with the book, but the film was actually quite good!

Yesterday I awoke to find that some of my friends had arranged a night at the pub and hadn't invited me. Thoughtless, but tant pis!

Luckily I have other awesome people in my life - like Zoe! We spent a hilarious day in Newcastle, dancing on the glittery floor in Debenhams (much to the amusement of some men passing by...!), then finding a mini rubber man on the floor in the toilets which, for some reason, had Zoe in fits of giggles, then encountering Kentonites in Stateside while I enjoyed my chocomallow milkshake, then heading home in Zoe's sliding seat car!!!!! (The passenger seat is slightly broken in that it slides back and forth when she brakes!)

I managed to fit a 6 mile run in after all that (1 hour 18 mins) then watched Step Up while Peter went to the Arts Centre with Phil and Colin.

Today I did Insanity then Husband and I walked for 3 miles and rewarded ourselves with beer and chips. A little shopping at Dalton Park with Mum, lasagne for dinner, then watched Limitless. Mmmmm...Bradley Cooper :-)

(Sorry Husband!)xxx

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