Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM


Another one of Karen's lovely creations (see my blip for 27th January).

It's my mum's 90th birthday tomorrow so I asked Karen to do me some flowers. I'm very pleased with the result.

I did a really stupid thing today. At lunchtime I had an appointment for a manicure and this evening straight after work I had a hair appointment. Sooo not the day to be leaving my bank/credit cards at home but that is exactly what I did! (And I had no cash on me either!)

The nails were embarrassing as it was the first time I'd been to this place (and it will probably be the last!). I reached into my bag (half way through the session) and realised I didn't have anything on me! Soooo embarrassing although they were really nice about.

I rushed back to the office and persuaded our cashier to lend me £20 out of petty cash.

This evening the OM was picking me up from my hair appointment so I rang him and asked him to either pick up my cards (I knew exactly where I'd left them!) or bring his own. He brought his own and paid for my hair.

I also realised I needed cash to pay Karen so the OM had to bail me out again!

Mum may feature in my blip tomorrow.

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