My world in pictures!

By MichelleB

Toys, Toys, Toys!!!!!

This should have been a very easy challenge theme for me to blip as if there is one thing my house is packed with its toys!!!

However, I ended up having 2 very disappointed children tonight who were not in the mood to play for me to photograph :(

We found out on Monday that Finlay is needing glasses and we went off to the opticians to collect them tonight much to his excitement only to discover they were not actually ready like they said so he was mega upset. End result being that after his tea he retreated to his room with the door firmly shut to play on his own :( I dread to think what the teenage years will be like when he's only 5 now, lol! I did manage to get this one of his beloved train set when he finally saw fit to let me in at bed time to tidy up his mess!!

Freya did no playing at all tonight after jamming her foot under the door just before tea time and hurting it really badly. I actually thought she had broken her toe at the time but I'm hoping now the swelling has come down it is only staved! She did manage to muster up a smile for me though even if she was a wounded soldier, lol! I almost blipped this one since she was such a trooper!

Surely tomorrow has to be a better day!!! Now onto the huge pile of marking waiting for me :(

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