A confused genius

By Lez11

Run fat boy run

Went for a road run tonight (pic) with my mate who I'm helping to train for a 5km run she is doing. It was quite pleasurable and relaxing actually especially after a stressfull day at work.

It kicked off at work today over one of my projects and before we knew it there were 7 of us heavily involved deep in the argument. The really good thing about the people I work with is that nobody takes a work argument personally. We all want what's best for the project and once the argument finishes its forgotten and we carry on with our work, no grudges. To be honest if it wasnt because of the people I work with I would have moved jobs by now. They are some of the best people I know.

I've got to get up early tomorrow as I've got to do a safety inspection on one of my projects at Marylebone station. Luckily it is Friday tomorrow, so all is not bad.

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