Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Ugly burd

Now there's something you don't often see on blip....

Schools out (aye already?) so I packed the weans up and went to the zoo. The pandas were being a bit diva-esque so they got a few perfunctory snaps before heading for a better look at Scotland's premier collection of nocturnal animals. You almost had a Edinburgh workie in a cage, but... naah. So we went round and saw the usual superstar animals; lions, tigers bears, otters, chimps etc but it was the "support acts" that shined today. Gibbons (utterly unshootable), penguins, gelada baboons (took me back to sitting in field in Ethiopia surrounded by two to three hundreds of them) and of course this bird the Northern Bald (or Waldrapp) Ibis. A bit of an ugly bird truth be told but it was nice being in the cage with them.

After that we went to the Gyle to get Dawn a present for her birthday tomorrow, it's been years since I've been there and it's just a bit shit, and why do people take their kids to shopping centres? I'd rather stick knives in myself. Couldn't get out of there quick enough.

Came home, made home made pizza; Dawn is going out with the girlies for dinner as it's her's and her mates birthdays within quick succession. Back to work tomorrow which is a bit weird as a Thursday off just seems like a Saturday

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