
Up early and I headed to the hills with Juno.

A wee weather window in Perthshire so I headed out for some 2 thousand footers.

First hill I felt so unfit but just slowed down and kept going. Juno was full of beans and chased the raised grouse and was in her element when the white mountain hares bolted across the peat hags.

A pleasant summit west, the east dominated by the industrial turbines springing up with a biting wind.

I headed further west for a second walk, a cracking glen and a very steep ascent, again Juno bounded after the non camoflaged white hares. On reaching the summit ridge we were met by a double electic fence running parallel about 2 foot apart. I lifted Juno over and strided over catching a wee schock in the under carrage. Should really wear rubber shorts for vaulting electric fences.

Juno hit a scent of the long scattered deer and bounded up and down a steep snowy slope.

We headed back and sat in the summer shielings hidden in the corrie, 4 buildings in very good condition. Three were 2 room affairs and you could still see shelves in the thick walls. They were not marked on the map so will check a couple of websites to see if recorded.

A red kite greeted us as we meandered down to the road, soaring over the heather.

Back home and big chats with eco daughter.

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