probably definately

By chole33

Magic Beans

Well, after a week and a half of getting worse instead of better, I went and got my back checked out. (story here),

The good news is that I only appear to have strained all the muscles in my back. I got some magic beans (and at $100 a bottle, they better be magic!) to take until a follow-up to see if I need to get x-rays.

I'm not real big on taking stuff, so I was a little apprehensive - especially since both bottles had dizziness warnings on the side. I ate dinner and popped the pills. Then I told Andy he wasn't allowed to throw stuff at me if I turned useless. He didn't agree and threatened to take pictures as well. *crap* pictures, I forgot a photo today. Quick, before the meds kick in.

Turns out aside for a brief stint of slurring my speech, I didn't really feel much, or much better. Darn.

On a side note, I'm a complete numpty and seem to have broken my camera lens. The two pieces that move when focusing are no longer concentric. I can only guess that i hit the camera bag on the car or ground while getting stuff out of my car. This is a completely different incident than this one. Lock me in a padded room, I'm a danger to myself and all expensive equipment!

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