Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The view from the pulpit

Have been commissioned on Sunday to photograph the retirement service and subsequent party of the Vicar of a Surrey church, so we went down today to do the interior and exterior shots that will form part of the record. This is the view from the pulpit. I'm not a Christian but it's an interesting commission and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you want to see all the pictures click here.

Having a very enjoyable week off - mixture of interesting things, chilling and domestics. Weatherproofed the gym today (AKA garage at the bottom of the garden with some exercise equipment, dead spiders and a lot of dust in it). Also had a brief lunch with the Smiling Giant and a lot of holding hands with TSM.

I could seriously get used to not working. My lottery winner fantasy is to open a restaurant, a photographic studio and a garden centre and dabble in all three and annoy the managers when it pleased me to do so.

For the meantime I am just going to have to hang on in there and hope I don't end up joining the ranks of the increasing numbers of unemployed as announced today ...

By the way did anyone see Rankin: Shooting the Hollywood Stars on TV recently? Really fascinating programme, particularly about the technicalities of lighting a subject.

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