Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Pond Dipping

Finally a lovely day which has reignited my love in being a mom.

It has been such a relentless few weeks with illness which still have not been properly defeated.

Anyway today we got out to the local RSPB nature reserve. I used to go a lot as a child so took my trusty binoculars which frankly look like something from the dark ages.

Went for a craft session which turned out to be for toddlers. Whoops. With a nearly nine and a five year old thats not so good. However the lady was lovely. We stayed and did some jigsaws and then went pond dipping. Pond doping was fab and we caught the ever elusive British Diving Beetle. Amazing to watch it swim. There were shrimps, hoglouse, all sorts of larvae.

Then we left the toddlers to it and went to the hide. It was rammed but but the people could not have been nicer.

We saw Lapwing, Goosander and Pintail Ducks. This was on top of the normal Canadian Geese etc.

It was really great.

Then we came home and cooked the most gorgeous Brownie. It had been crowned the most gorgeous item to have ever been baked in this house.

I am sorry I have not had much time to comment. I will be trying to catch up tonight x

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