Carpincho is the local name for capybara (Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris), the largest rodent in the world. They are about 3 feet tall for large males, about 2 feet tall for females and 40 - 55 inches long, weighing between 75 - 140 pounds. Capybaras are semi-aquatic herbivores. They are hunted for food and for their skin.
We photographed them at the Estacion Biologica Portrerillo de Santa Teresa, just down the road from the fort. A few days before some poachers had come into the reserve and killed 8 capybaras, including young of the year. Poaching in Uruguay is lumped in with hunting and not generally punished unless it appears to be habitual and/or for commercial purposes. The hunters that killed the 8 capybara were arrested.
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