David J. Rose

By djrose007

Annual Booster and Kennel Cough time!

Today was Foxy's turn for his annual booster jab and his Kennel Cough up the nose, all dogs hate that one!.
They are both extremely well behaved when they do have to go to the Vets, although they obviously don't like it very much.
Jonty was on the floor doing a bit of whining, I'm sure it was because he was concerned about what was happening to Foxy.

Did I tell you the tale about the first day Foxy came to live with us and we'd booked him in to get 'Done' ? Well, in the evening Foxy was lying on a cushion covered with a little blanket as he was still a little bit groggy.
Jonty went to the food bowl, got some out and dropped it in front of Foxy's face. What an incredibly feeling dog Jonty is. Just love him to bits, and we have grown to love Foxy just as much.

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