Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

Sabrina x 4 (thanks)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm not going to engage in a lament about Valentine's Day, we've all got our views about this commercial farce and the rest have partners.

What I do think would be appropriate would be to honour (subject) the delightful Mr Webb to a taste of his own medicine. Welcome to Bean's Love Line!

This fine specimen of a man is our resident Yam-Yam!

Likes: Gregg's (particularly steak bakes), egg custard tarts and Aston Villa

Dislikes: Tights (freaky but true), desserts (freaky but true) and Villa defeats (numerous, I'm led to believe)

Despite these quirky but endearing characteristics, Paul is one of the loveliest, funniest and most genuine people I've ever met.

So, ladies, if you're lonely this Valentine's and need a gentle giant to see you through, then Mr Webb may be your man!

Av fun guys!

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