Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

C is for Chard

Getting my alphabet challenge done early for the week.

Chard is one of the most stunning vegetables - I love the way the stems look like a tree and the colors are so vibrant. Rainbow chard is so colorful, ranging from yellow to orange to red, all in one bunch. Chard grows almost year-round here, hardy enough to withstand plenty of frost, and I'm told it tastes even better after a good hard frost.

I wouldn't know because I don't care for the taste of it. It's one of several vegetables I greatly admire for their beauty and their health qualities, but I really dislike them. Beets is another. Kale. And eggplant (though good roasted eggplant is pretty yummy). I will gladly photograph them and wax eloquent about their beauty and benefits. But don't ask me to eat them.
I've ordered a new macro lens, it should arrive by Thursday. So be prepared for many close-ups in the week ahead! I need to practice with my tripod now too.

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