Serendipity moments

By MissSerendipity

My love!!!

I'm so annoyed with myself today for not finding time to blip yesterday! An early start at work followed by a late finish, dash home to get changed and straight back out to the theatre, to get home at 11pm grab a bite then pass out before I got through one page of my book! Phew it was one hectic day!

Today was another early start and another busy day followed by a much needed visit to the gym.

As you all know I love coffee and it's my one vice in life, I am however still sticking to just one cup a day and have been for a week and a half well apart from one blip on Friday when I had two! ooops

This was today's morning coffee made with Lavazza and skimmed milk and I cherish every sip!

Happy valentines everyone, I hope you're all feeling loved! :-)

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