Anna Kissed

By annakissed

Happy Scone and Penicillin Day!

After being informed that pancake day is next tuesday, I decided to make scones after being given a new recipe from my Aunt, I thought I'd give them a trial run before making a batch for my other Aunt.

The Anarchist (Anna Kissed!) in me doesn't like conforming to what the rest of the nation is doing so as I love scones I here by pronounce February 14th, Happy Scone Day. I must state (as with pancakes and with love) that you can enjoy these things anytime and no commercial outlets should benefit from your admiration.

Also on this day in history: 14th February, 1929 : Sir Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillin after leaving a plate of staphylococcus bacteria uncovered, he noticed that a mold that had fallen on the culture had killed many of the bacteria.

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