This day

By snapper

Sofa so bad!

Not a good day, running around mad getting instruments, signing forms, finishing the bloody Report, why does our work insist on stupid quarterly reports? its not like we are a huge corporate comapny we are less than a dozen for God's sake! Delusions of grandeur spring to mind. And why quarterly? nothing much happens in such a short space of time. God I need to retire.

Had to dash to Lochgoilhead then back, left a pile of washing for those here to do plus a request to read a form for me and to move the umbrella plant I have managed to kill! I come back and they have just finished doing the wash, still to dry it and I need clothes for tomorrow and I am leaving on the 7am ferry so have to get up at stupid o clock and need dry clothes!
I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself to himself how many bloody accordions are going and how many are staying. What is it with blokes? they don't listen to a bloody thing you tell them, when you snarl at them they get all shirty!

Oh yes I see its bloody Valentines Day well Im not into all that mushy crap though I did buy a card and he did likewise which I think we exchanged in the passing with a few grunts at each other somehwere in the hallway. But loh! whats this? "would you like a dram" says he well given that I bought a bottle of Moniak Mead when I was flying past Loch Fyne Oysters then a glass of mead with a liberal dash of whisky should lift my grumpy spirit.

Todays pic is of a grotty sofa some fly tipper of dubious parentage abandoned by the roadside. Why do they do that?

Slainte all you out there and oh yes Happy Valentines, hope you all get the romance you need. The dram tastes good so I may begin to mellow before I start the dinner which is the romantic meal of Macaroni & cheese

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