Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

This Grotesque of Love......

Many words have been written about love......some of my faves are from some odd sources.....I think the most endearing is from the movie Forrest Gump "I'm not a smart man, but I know what Love is".

I dislike Valentines day as it is now, you know what I mean.

But to those with the hearts that know it, love is the most wonderful, wretched, uplifting, soul destroying thing that I can think of.

Todays Blip is dedicated to my wonderful wife, for her the sun rises, the stars shine, my heart beats, my breath holds, my soul leaps and there is a point to it all. She is the reason for getting up and the rest that I need when I sleep.

To all you real lovers out there....may you find the soul that completes you.

Happy St Valentines Day!

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