Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife

What's in a name?

4 sleeps to go until we pick up this little rascal. The Farmer decided to tell the children last night a dinner and bedlam broke out! They are super-excited to say the least!
But then asked what we were naming her. I said I had thought of Maggie, Dorris or Masie. At which point they all nearly wet themselves laughing. Darling son suggested the name of every other pet he'd ever met. And The Farmer suddenly announced Whitney. He had the kids in stitches ignoring every other suggestion and insisting she be called Whitney. Now don't get me wrong, Ms Houstons untimely departure is a very sad affair and not one to be laughed at but in a kitchen which has seemed very somber of late it was good to have a giggle.
I started googling (as I always do) and looked up past sheepdog trials champions for inspiration. To be honest it's much better for a sheepdog to have a one syllable name like Meg or Jess or Cap or Jack. So younger daughter suggested Skye which I think is a good name.
As much as I previously laughed at Whitney though it's association with laughter and family smiles is now making me like it. We could shorten it to Whit for working couldn't we?
Any suggestions? We have four sleeps and this little girl needs a name.

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