What Crosses My Path...

By madmadame

I Love Lucy

February...the month of LOVE! I've watched I Love Lucy all my life. I can probably act out every episode by myself. Ok, not really, but I am pretty good at I Love Lucy trivia. The hubby got upset once because I remember useless trivia knowledge but I can't remember half of the multiplication table. That's easy to answer, the multiplication table is not funny, therefor not memorable to me. I can probably tell you every funny & embarrassing moment that has ever happened in my life but I can't tell you what I ate for breakfast yesterday. Had the dog jumped on my lap and taken off with my breakfast then yes, I would be able to remember what I attempted to have for my first meal of the day.

By the way, this dollar was a gift from my big bro. Don't know where he got it but I love it.

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