A place in time

By Verbosa


Sorry - a bit grainy this one.

But it's a snap showing the two guys sent along to repair my flooring in the hallway/downstairs loo following our underfloor leak that we discovered last August. It took about two months to dry out all the tiled flooring & plaster, before the repairs could even start.

Our house is old-ish (built in about 1938 or thereabouts), so has floorboards throughout the downstairs, apart from the extension bit where we have concrete floors. And it was the pipes under the concrete floor that leaked and caused all the trouble. We didn't notice anything wrong until mouldy stains started creeping above the skirting boards in the kitchen...then the damp rose quickly to knee-height before we could get the water pipes re-routed.

Anyway, to cut a long (and tedious) story shorter, the work is very nearly finished at last - hence the two guys today. But the worst part was that after having the extension built in 2000, (i.e. over 11 years after having the work done) Mr A had only just got round to recently finished decorating the hallway/stairs/landing which were also damaged with the leak. And I was so proud of having it finally decorated and finished too :( Never mind, nearly there now.

Naturally, I asked the guys for their persmission to take the photo explaining why I was doing it, and one of them apparently belongs to another photo-journal thing (no names mentioned), so we chatted about that. In the photo he was in the process of explaining about the band he's in and the type of music (something along the lines of heavy metal/punk but he couldn't think of an example band that I'd know of...meaning he obviously thought I was too old to understand...cheeky monkey!).

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