13/29 deadly sins...

Wrath, envy, greed, sloth, gluttony, lust, pride.

Was wondering what to do for today's blip but on reflection - and having written and re-written the journal entry's beginning over and over - I think my first shots from this morning fit the bill!! Yesterday as I was unpacking the box of "precious things from front room" (which also contained "cups and plates from back bedroom" which bemused me as I couldn't remember why we'd have had cups and plates in the back bedroom) I unearthed this mug which made us laugh. And so I had to have my coffee in it this morning! I have realised I'm drinking about a pint of coffee each morning - surely that's gluttony for you, I don't really need that much, surely?!

Anyway it took nearly half the mug before I nearly got the shot I was after. Then Charley woke up...

And then there's Mister Maker and his "minute makes" - grrr!! It took me 20 minutes to get everything ready to make a drum, and nearly 10 minutes just to tie the washing-up-glove drumskin round the top of my pot! The playdough ball on the end of the pencil for a drumstick didn't even last long enough to hit the drum with and I spent 5 minutes picking bits out of the carpet before confiscating the playdough again. And after all that, Ben prefers the metal bottom of the pot to drum on rather than the skin...

Not that I'm ranting or anything.


Did I mention I might've had too much coffee to counter this morning's sleep-deprived headache?!

Could've done "sloth" but we all got dressed by lunchtime (although my attempt at getting Charley to sleep on the bed so I could get dressed failed: I spent over two hours lying there with him attached, with Ben crying on and off for an hour in various other parts of the house begging me to come downstairs so he could have a cuddle too, and then spending the second hour tickling him with my free hand :) I've not snorted with laughter so much in a long time but it didn't get me any closer to being dressed!

Once we finally got dressed we decided we would after all go out. It was raining ish but wellies and waterproof coats were donned and Ben rode his bike and Charley slept. Did a round trip to get printer cartridges and stickers, over the railway bridge where train#1 honk-honked at us much to Ben's delight and train#2 HOOOOONNKED at us which stunned Ben into a couple of minutes' silence as our ears recovered. We agreed both trains had been very friendly but one was very definitely louder than the other.

Home again and drawing and sticking with Ben, dinner, fiddling with graphics, chatting with Steve and getting cross with his work again.

And now... if I start with this d&v bug this evening I shall be very, very cross indeed.

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