Camel Country

By Bevie


An aphrodisiac for the Romans, a symbol of love and the cause of unbudgeable stains for the rest of us - beetroot may ruin your new white shirt but it could just rescue your health. A study revealed the beneficial role beetroot plays during exercise - now the humble beet is the latest superfood on everyone's lips.

And yes, like all good superfoods, beetroot could even help make you look slimmer, your skin younger and your hair healthier. Low in fat, low in calories. So juice it or grate it raw to preserve the highest concentration of minerals.

It was a chilly morning snapping away around the vegetable gardens of Jasra, but it was worth meeting the gardeners. Seeing how simple their lives are, makes me appreciate what I have even more. Mohamed Bilal is the guy on the photo picking and preparing my fresh picked beetroot. He's from Bangladesh and in the background you can see his fellow gardener Hassan. In future I know where to get my next batch of fresh veggies!

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