little by little.

By auldlangsyne

Happy Birthday Thomas!

Had a major dilemma over which photo to post today, was either something like this (of which there are 100s of similar ones!), a photo of my brother jumping at skiing or a more journal-like photo of my other little brother's birthday cake (which would've won hands down but it was blurry :/).

But yeah, it's my little brother's birthday today so in the morning they went up to Hillend skiing and I went for a wee walk. Must have looked like a right tit pretty much sitting down on the wet grass trying to take photos... Then went back down and took a few photos of them skiing but Thomas hurt his thumb so didn't want to do it again.

Then David had a friend's party and we headed off to ASDA to get food. Had family round at night for a wee party for Thomas as well!

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