Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Little Red Riding Hood

This is Carys doing a puppet show for us after breakfast. You can see the wolf about to eat Grandma, oh dear.

James and Vic and their very full car, headed home after lunch. Daddy and Will went off to Nanna and Poppa's house for the afternoon, while Carys and I stayed at home. FIrst we did Carys's writing homework. A sentence as normal and then answering ten questions and writing the answer in sentences. The athletics was on the telly at 2pm which was quite an incentive to get the writing finished. C had already read her two reading books to Vic a number of times, so we didn't need to wory about that. We did her diagraphs and then turned the athletics on. Whilst watching (and in Carys's case shouting at) the athletics, Carys drew a picture of our house from a photo I had taken. She was supposed to sit outside the front and draw what she could see, but I didn't want her catching pneumonia so found a way round it. Now we only have spelling left to tackle. Hurray!

Homework done, hama beads came out whilst the athletics finished and C started shouting at the red team to 'hold on to the ball!'. Yes you guessed it we were watching the Rugby. Go Wales!

Half term this week, lots of rest for small people I hope, they are both distinctly tired, if only they could learn to sleep in.

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