
A bit of backblipping here.

I had a great day. I went cycling with a very good friend of mine all along Cramond and river Almond. We found this really rusty and very old railing support in our travels and I really liked the colour and texture of it. We stopped at one of the wee coffee shops next to the river for a refreshment. A lovely cafe.

We went to a very unique pub afterwards. Quite a rough place at the weekends apparently but ok on a Sunday. The atmosphere was very cheerful and happy with lots of drunk people and unique singers! I had a great time there. Then, lovely dinner!

12th February is Santa Eulalia, my saint day. Not that anybody remembers that sort of stuff anymore, but there you are.

Back to work on Monday!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars on my dry leaves blip. I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend! :)

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