Collared Doves
It was such a mild day today - real feeling of spring, hope it isn't a false hope. The birdsong has changed and I could hear the buzzards as they drifted and wheeled above.
It was an opportunity to begin to reclaim my garden from a year of neglect - so I spent a few pleasant hours clearing weeds and cutting back old stems. There is a lot of life going on - found ladybirds, snails and caterpillars. A moment of sadness over a bird skeleton and a champagne cork from an almost forgotten summer party. A row of paving slabs also emerged from under the couch grass - nature takes the land back so quickly.
I left the lid of the compost bin open to allow any good bugs to escape but the robin thought it was dinner for him as the blackbirds picked over the newly exposed soil - it was time for me to go indoors and let them fill up for the coming night.
The collared doves came down as I waited for the kettle to boil so another indoor out bird blip in my fluffed up series.
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