
By JayRo

Land Ahoy!

I'm still a child at heart. I played on a pirate ship climbing frame - I made my friend do it too so I didn't look utterly bizarre but I don't think it can be as much fun when you're 6ft and climbing through child size tunnels, poor guy. Spotted a few seagulls, mice and monkeys - the obvious creatures when sailing the seven seas.

Went to Asda as well, food shop day and to help along a slight hangover (I only really get starving hungry hangovers) with a Big Mac...definately hit the spot!

Hermann wise: it's day three in the bowl (big brother voice over style). It was another day of stirring and he's now producing big bubbles that are forming on the surface as a foam. I can only see this as a good sign, his instructions say if he stops bubbling he is dead. Bit mean but to the point I suppose. Hopefully 'feeding' him tomorrow will make the strange smell of his existance fade a bit!

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