Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I think we've discussed this before ... I've got a mockingbird who is a disgrace to his people ... er, I mean "birds." Even though all of the literature (and other birders) say that mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) are very aggressive and will run other birds off the feeders, this one has not apparently read the literature. He (or she?) skulks and hovers, waiting for the other birds to leave before he swoops in for a drink or a nosh at the Bistro. Mockingbirds are very territorial and will run other mockers from their territory, except when they are mating. Or so they say. This one hung out on a branch above the suet crumbles, waiting his turn. You can get a couple of looks at him, and his rather beautiful (if sissy-like) eyes in Flickr...

you can't see me...
crap, my hair is a mess!
did you SEE that?

And, for you blue jay lovers, check out Jezebel Jay doing her imitation of a cone-head

For those of you who like feeding birds, and by special request from fellow bird-lover SeaGypsy here is the secret recipe for home made, no fuss suet
1 cup peanut butter
4 cups yellow corn meal
1 cup rendered lard or crisco, melted in microwave
1 cup flour
1 cup small sunflower chips or other seeds
1 cup peanut hearts
Mix dry ingredients then add peanut butter (I use crunchy) and melted fat. Shape into 1" thick "cookies" or balls and freeze on a cookie sheet until firm. Place in suet feeders or crumble in feed on a hopper feeder. Squirrels love it too...

Well, tomorrow is Tunnel of Terror day. I am horribly claustrophobic so having my head fastened down and shoved in the machine is really freaking scary. I will be taking the ultimate in la-la pills before the dreaded event. I am up at 8 am, and the radiology facility should be able to get the report to my surgeon same day ... so, I will hopefully have results by end 0f day tomorrow. Which certainly cuts down on the stress of having to wait. Gotta love this age of technology! Send some good ju-ju my way, okay? The chant is "no brain-blob, no brain-blob!"

See you later. blippers!

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