Inverleith Row

Usual Saturday - dominated by Arlo's swimming and my rugby. Arlo was great at swimming as usual, although he did spend a lot of time pointing to the viewing section, shouting and waving at his Grandad. It made his Grandad's day. Rugby was a tough game, one of those where you come off feeling like your whole body is covered in bruises. Unfortunately we lost 27-10 which was our first defeat in months.

Didn't have the energy for blipping, but quickly snapped this on my way to pick up a takeaway dinner from Zen Kitchen. After polishing off the lovely dinner, we sat down to watch A Single Man. The photograpy is stunning and the way it moves between colours and moods is great, plot wise I wasn't as sold on it, but enjoyable enough all the same.

Music wise today hasn't featured much in the way of tunes. I got some TV on the Radio yesterday for my birthday, so have an old one from them.

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