The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Rejoice the Raptor

My wife, daughters and I are really into predatory birds and we live in a wonderful part of the world to suit our interest. We are quite involved in the University of Minnesota Raptor Center. Our involvement brings us great joy and my oldest daughter has her focus set on becoming a raptor vet.

Established in 1974 as part of the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, The Raptor Center rehabilitates more than 700 sick and injured raptors each year, while helping to identify emerging environmental issues related to raptor health and populations. An internationally renowned education facility, The Raptor Center trains veterinary students and veterinarians from around the world to become future leaders in raptor medicine and conservation. In addition, The Raptor Center reaches more than 200,000 people annually through its unique public education programs and events.

This is a photo of a Red Tail Hawk which will likely never be released back into the wild due to the severity of his injuries. However, in such instances, these birds are used in public forums to educate people on the perils which OUR raptors face in modern day society.

We volunteer on the weekends when we can at these public forums and occasionally at the Raptor Center itself.

I blipped this with a D200 in the brilliant sunlight of today and uploaded it on my iPad.

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