'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

A perfect Sunday

I love the first Sunday of a holiday! No school work and plenty of time to enjoy doing whatever I want to!

This capture is of the Canadian Geese seen whilst taking a walk around Slapton Ley this afternoon. It was just so nice to be out in the fresh air hearing the sounds of the woodpeckers, the moorhens and plenty of birdsong.
I am also feeling very virtuous as I went to the gym again this morning.

Three beautiful things;

A brief moment of sun shining down on the Quay - the Egret was in a perfect pose but alas I had not brought my camera to the gym!

A coffee and chat with my friend after the gym.

A much deserved hot cross bun and milkycoffee after a perfect long walk with the dogs.

One thing to be grateful for:
To be surrounded by so much beauty.

RIP Whitney Houston - so sad

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