Is 30 really that awful?

By Emx

Lazy Sundays

Its lovely when the man's home.

I peaceful Sunday morning lay in after the little monkey decided 3am was a good time to wake up completely and play with the cuddly animals in his cot. I love his enthusiasm, however it doesn't really fill me with much joy at that time in the morning. Coffee needed and quickly!

Poached eggs on home baked & toasted bread (yum yum) and hopefully a good ol roast for lunch. *looks creepingly over at Mr30something*

Ponies to feed this afternoon, I was hoping for the snow and ice to clear so I could take them for a leg stretch down the lane and over the fen however the weathergods aren't as generous towards me as the foodgods are today. (I forgot to add that Sunday night is pasta night round at my dad's house)

I'm not quite sure what stewie is doing in this pic. It could be his best smile? Simply a yawn? Or my suspicions are correct and he's really a vampire? Hrm....

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