
By StateoftheArt

Day seventy-seven: life mapping

Today was a good day. K and I went to a "Life Mapping" workshop. I really didn't know what to expect. One was supposed to make a goal and steps to attain the goal and those sort of things.

I was in a room with powerful, strong, courageous women. We shared as much or as little as we wanted.

When we came to talking about our goals, I really didn't know what to think. This obviously flashed across my face as the leader asked me what was wrong, what was I thinking?

I told her and my strong female crowd that this life was not what I expected, but that it was OK. That I have learned so much through my journey thus far, that I don't want to place expectations on it. And, I went back to thinking about being whole.

Would I like to be married and have children? Sure. But that might not be in the cards for me. I am really fine with that. That might be my truth.

I smile as I write this because my truth is MINE and something I have worked hard to attain and be.

I am really quite happy with who I am. Sure, there's always work to be done, but I am happy to my core. I am satisfied.

I did not focus on my goal so much as my affirmations.

I am loved.
I am whole.
I can do anything.

The words and pictures that I cut out resonated with me.

This is my life map that I created today. It is on my door as a reminder for me each time I go out the door and into the world.

As I took the photo, I noticed the cross that was behind it. He is behind me and in life and in "it" and through all.

I feel empowered.

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