Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

Roger Taylor

Not really.

This is Jonathan Evans, drummer with "The Works" - the group who play with Gary Mullen. Those of a certain age i.e. old like me will remember Gary winning "Stars In Their Eyes" in 2000 (oh my gawd, is it really 12 years??)

He started touring in 2002 ... "One Night Of Queen", and he's been going ever since.
I've lost count how many times I have been to see him. It's definitely 5, possibly more, and it gets better every time!
If you like the music of Queen, give it a go. You won't be disappointed.

We were in the second row this evening, so prime position for sneaking a few photos. If you have me on Facebook there's a couple more there but I chose this one for here because of his cheery grin :-)

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